He's Still Jehovah Rapha (Healer) - Rise Ministry, Inc.

For I am the God who heals you.
Exodus 15 : 26

Mr Wong, my father-in-law was a demoniac and a madman for ten over years. We felt so helpless and we could not help him. Can God heal him? Will God heal him?

One day I had a prophetic dream. The dream was in three parts. The first part was fulfilled almost immediately. The second part of the dream was fulfilled within a couple of weeks, but for six months, the last part of the dream did not come to pass.
One day I was driving back home from work, talking to God as usual. I told the Lord that it was not like Him, to muck around, giving me a dream without the interpretation.
When I reached home, my wife complained to me that her brother was back from England, to see his father for the last time. He could not accept the fact that his own father was like a mad man. He said, “When I think of Dad I get so upset that I do not want to come back anymore”.  
The moment she told me that, immediately the interpretation of the last part of the dream came to me. I turned to her and said, “In three days time, during Christmas, God is going to heal your father once and for all”.

That Christmas, we went back to visit the father. Normally we would go on a Friday and come back after lunch on Sunday as I have to work the next day.
On Friday, nothing happened. He was still the same. On Saturday he was not healed. And on the last day Sunday, after lunch, my whole body went weak and I had to go and rest in the room.
As I lay there, I could hear my wife ministering to her father in the next room. She was trying to teach him how to read The Daily Bread, a devotional, with the help of a Bible. When I recovered my strength I got up and I went into his room.
“Henry,” he exclaimed, “I'm ok. I'm ok. I'm healed”.

As my wife ministered to him, the word from the bible, the word of God, sharper than a double edged sword went right into him and set him free.
The bible verse addressed the problem that had plague him all these years and as he read it, it was like God saying, “Don't worry, I know how you feel, I will take care of your problem”. And immediately, he was healed.

From a man who hid in his room, suffering from manic depression for over ten years, he became normal instantly and could take a taxi to Kuala Lumpur to see and play with his grand children. For us it was a miracle. Our God is truly Jehovah Rapha, the God who heals.


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