pictures of jesus greg olson lost found

When I was in the third year of my architectural school in the university, we were assigned an external tutor to help us in our design project. The external tutors were actual practicing Architects in private practice and very experienced. We were divided into about 5 or 6 persons to a group per tutor. The tutors would see us once a month.

For the first meeting all of us showed up. The following month only about 4 people in my group turned up. It got less and less and by the fourth month, I was the only one waiting for him to arrive. My group mates did not turn up because they did not keep up with their work and so they didn't dare to face the tutor. Finally on the 6th month when he came, he told me, “Hi, I'm tired of looking at your work let's go to the cafeteria and have a cup of coffee and let's talk about every other thing under the sun.”
You see, he has become more like my friend than a tutor. 

Near the end of the year he called me to his office. He said,” Actually I have to mark all your papers and I don't know how to grade all of you”. Wow! Not only is he a friend but now I am his consultant. I taught him how to grade the students.
On the examination day, we pinned up all our drawings on the wall. When he  came up to my drawing he just took a glance and walked on because he was so familiar with my work. He had never seen the drawings of the other students so he spent a a lot of time examining their work. Of course I got a good grade whereas the rest did not do so well.

Our Christian walk is similar to the above anecdote. Just substitute the word, Tutor with God. We have to make God our friend.
The day that we first accepted Christ, He was so real. But as time went on, we lost the relationship. Soon, we filled the void by substituting it with christian and church activities. What a shame that we never made God a friend and wasted our time on earth. To most of us, God is that fuzzy being somewhere floating out there in the Twilight Zone.

On judgement day, God will take one look at me and like my tutor, He will say, “Hi my dear friend. I was a big part of your life. We had many adventures and coffee chats together. I have judged you everyday while you were on earth. There is really no need to judge you now. Welcome to my presence for eternity”.
While to others, He says, “ I have never featured in your life. What ever you did, you did it alone by yourself. I really don't know you."
My dear fellow brothers and sisters, make God part of your life. Cultivate your relationship with Him and make Him your friend.

Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.
Jerimiah 29 : 12,13


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