Your Verdict Judgement Day? Hebrews 9:27 And just as it is ...

And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgement.
Hebrews 9 : 27

Lately, three 'Great men of God' departed from planet earth. I put it in parenthesis because they were great in the eyes of men. One of them, Ravi Zacharias was an internationally acclaimed apologist. His eulogies were many and testified about the excellence of his ministry. Although I am impressed, I was actually more interested in what God thinks of him.

The most important day in our life is not the day we are born, nor is it the day we graduate or marry. Neither is it the day  that we go into full time ministry.
The most important day of your life is the day when all the nations are gathered to face God's judgement before His throne. 

I am one of the rare few who shares about Judgement day. To most Christians, this important day is not a reality. After all it's something in the very distant future, so much so they dismiss it from their mind.
However, just like Jesus who live His life, while He was on earth in the shadow of the cross, I live my life on earth in the shadow of Judgement day. Why?
Very few people know that our entire life on earth is a preparation for and culminates on Judgement day. It is the final examination. No one who ever lived is exempted. For non christians, the stakes are staggering. It's either Heaven or Hell. 
The stakes are so high that on that day most men, out of the agonies of their mind, will be screaming, crying and gnashing their teeth. At that moment, all the accolades of men, our past achievements or titles will mean nothing. 
When you stand alone facing God, ( Your pastor cannot help you) He will either tell you, 'Go away, I don't know you,' or, 'Well done My good and faithful servant'. 

On that terrible day, when most of us are suffering agonies of the mind, I will be relaxed, peaceful and smiling. The answer is so simple. For you it's Judgement day but for me, it's 'Home coming'. 
When it's my turn to face God. I will say, "Hi dad! It's good to be home," and guess what? We will be chatting about the great adventures we had together on earth. 
Some of you will tell God, "Lord, have I not serve you faithfully in church for the last forty years?"
His reply is, "Yes, you have been faithful but you don't know Me. We don't have a relationship. Consider this, My son King David was a rascal who committed adultery and murder. Yet we were really close. Among all men, he was a man after my heart."

Be smart like me, make sure God knows you and . . .  forget about the adulation of men. The 3 great men who departed, cannot  come back. So while you are still alive and kicking and you still have the opportunity, please prepare for Judgement day and change it to Home coming.
I work extremely hard to have an intimate relationship and on 'Knowing God ' in my life. 
To a great extent, I have succeeded. I have many stories to narrate about my relationship and interaction with Him. Knowing Him is a lifetime lifestyle. It only ends with your last breath on earth.


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