The Lord was literally shouting into my ears, the last few days of 2023.

I, just like everyone else, am contented in my own ways and wanted to live life in a leisurely way but God had higher ways and different plans for me. 

Basically He wanted me to fast and to come up to another level of intimacy with him. Fasting in my case don't mean abstaining from food but cutting out the pleasures and distractions of the world. He wanted me to lead a fasted life with no worldly indulgences.
It's not easy to deal with God because He is a no-nonsense God. When He whispered to me, I didn't really pay attention. So He took out His whip and gave me a lashing which was so excruciating that I literally cried out and begged for mercy. Aha! Now He's got my full attention lol.

Whenever I'm invited to share, my favorite topic is - How to have a personal intimate relationship with God. I love to share my journey of my quest to be close to God, hoping to teach and inspire everyone to emulate me.
After all Christianity is not a Religion or Tradition of man but the most beautiful intimate relationship with God.
A good analogy of this relationship would be the Tabernacle or Temple of God, which consist of the Outer, Middle and Inner courts.
99% of Christians are in the outer court. 0.9% are in the inner court and the remaining 0.1% managed to reach the Inner court.

1. The Outer court.
Your current life of going to church, cell group, Bible study, prayer meetings, ministries and other christian activities only qualifies you for the outer court.
Yet many Christians never enter the inner court. They stay outside, content with a superficial relationship with God. They fail to surrender everything to Him. They allow their lives to be controlled by the flesh, instead of being filled with the Spirit and surrendered to lordship of Jesus. They cherish the things of this world rather than the deep things of God. They being very clever, often lean into their own understanding and use their brains to solve all problems and manage their lives.

2. The Inner court.
Ezekiel’s ministry is uniquely focused on the inner court of the temple, which is mentioned 16 times in his book. In his vision, as he entered the inner court, Ezekiel fell on his face. Not able to boast in his own skills and abilities, he recognized that God was holy, righteous, and all-powerful. Then, as he completely surrendered to Him, the “Glory of the Lord came into the temple” (Ezekiel 43:4-5).

The inner court symbolizes a personal relationship with God Himself. This is the kind of intimate relationship He wants with each of us. Instead of just knowing about Him, He wants us to know Him personally.

In this place of intimacy, our lives are transformed. We experience  a close relationship with God. His promises come alive. Our eyes are opened to greater insights and more of His wisdom.

Years ago I was sick and tired of life in the OC. In my desperation, I pounded on God's door to let me into the IC. To enter into the IC, there were certain conditions.

1. You must be desperate like Blind Bartimaeus or The woman with the issue of blood.
2. You must totally agree and surrender to God's terms and conditions.
3. You must be prepared to lie down on the altar of God as a Living sacrifice for His knife to plunge into your heart.( After you're dead, then only Jesus can live in you)
4. You must be totally submitted to be molded by the Master potter. (He cannot accept you as you are.)

I was so desperate that I agreed to all the above terms. God told me it'll take 2 years. Needless to say, the process was excruciating and I don't even want my enemies to go through what I went through.
At the end of 2 years, I crawled into the Inner court, a totally broken man and the Fear of God came into my life. 
To be continued in Part 2 . . . . . . Holy of Holies



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