I remember the hymn:

I have decided to follow Jesus. . . 
             . . . no turning back, no turning back.

So I struggled to get into the 0.9% club of the Inner court. 
I thought I've arrived because the worse is over. After all I suffered agonizingly for 2 years in dealing with the Lord completely surrendered to His terms.

When you arrive at the Inner court, you are a broken person with zero pride, your heart is contrite and it's no longer you who live but Christ who live in you.
Little did I know that there was another level to ascend to, the 0.1% club of the Holy of Holies.

3. Holy of Holies
In the old days, only the high priest, once a year could enter the HOH. If he didn't do everything perfectly according to the instructions given by God, he will drop dead. ( I told you that it's not easy to deal with God because He demands perfection from His leaders) So they put bells on him and tied a rope around him. When they don't hear the sound of the bells jangling as he went about his priestly duties, they assumed that he's no longer alive and will pull his body out.

Today, we all know 2000 years ago, when Jesus cried out, 'It is finished', the veil separating the IC and the HOH was torn, allowing all of us to enter boldly into the presence of God.
Getting into the HOH is much easier than the Inner court. All God has to do is now strip off the last layer of the world from you and get your total attention and adulation.
People who belonged to this group are so intimately close to God that they carry the manifested presence of God in their lives wherever they go.
Jesus is our forerunner. Every day, before the sun rise, He would go and soak Himself in the presence of God and then carry that presence into His daily life.

I actually had an encounter with a man who was a member of this 0.1% club. 
David was a white man from Canada. He gave up everything to serve God in China. He had to make himself nameless and faceless and was prohibited from promoting himself in anyway including publishing any books. Every glory he received must be surrendered back to God.
He was the speaker for a conference that I was going to attend.

Before coming to our conference, his was ministering in Sabah. My friends were with David and they shared that when they entered the restaurant for a meal, the Manifest presence of God came and needless to say there was pandemonium. The waiters and waitresses couldn't serve properly because of the mighty presence of God. Everyone was getting drunk in the Spirit.

When the conference I attended started and David started sharing, the Manifest presence of God came and the interpreter got drunk in the Spirit and had to be changed. After a while the next interpreter also staggered and had to be changed. We were in danger of running out of interpreters lol.
My friend, brother Edmund was sitting in the front row. David came down from the stage and bend down to read his name tag and title. He read out aloud, 'Field representative to the Northern region.' He exclaimed, 'Wow that's a very long and impressive title'.
Next minute, brother Edmund was on the floor pounding his fist and totally delirious and drunk in the joy of the Lord .
At the meeting next day, David enquired where Edmund was. Edmund was sitted at the last row of the room, hiding and was hoping he won't be called out. Ha ha. He couldn't escape. He was called out and suffered the same fate as the previous day.

Next David declared that there's an Open heaven over to the right side of the stage. Everyone he invited onto the stage who stood under that area fell under the power of God. 

In John 15, God says - When I abide in you and you abide in me, you will bear a lot of fruits.
My version is - When we are fused together with Him. Yes it's a Holy devine fusion. God loves to be fused together with all His children.

Jesus by being totally obedient to the Father, endured the agonising
death on the cross so that all of us are now reconciled with Father God and we can enter and exit freely into His presence.
On Boxing day, 26th of Dec. 2023, out of the blues, my friend from US Whatsapped me an E-book. The title was The manifest presence of God. It was written by a German named Walter Beuttler. It was all about his journey into the HOH. 
Wow, it couldn't be clearer than this.

Another hymn goes:
Turn your eyes upon Jesus and look into His wonderful face. . . 
                                     . . . and the things of the world will go strangely dim.

God wanted my full attention, devotion and adulation onto Him and complete the last part of my journey with Him into the HOH and into His Manifest presence.

All of you can identify with me. I am nameless and faceless like you. An ordunary person like you. Just like you, my life is full of struggles and challenges.
If I can enter into the HOH, so can all of you. 
The devil don't you to have an intimate relationship with God. The devil will deceive you that you are insignificant, totally unworthy and useless to God.

The good news is that God wants every Believer to enter into the HOH.

For 2024, we want the Manifest presence of God to follow us wherever we go.
In His Manifested presence, every disease and infirmities will evaporate. Demons will flee in terror. Signs and wonders will be a normal part of your life.
God bless all of you abundantly.



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