Tree And Storm 2

Let’s face it, what is the vital ingredient you need during a pandemic? It’s called FAITH. For me this situation is chicken feed. I’ve been through much worse.
20 years ago, the Lord told me, “ You have weathered many storms in the past, but I’m going to bring the Mother of Storms and if you don’t make Jesus the anchor of your soul, you’ll be swept away. The shaking will last for 2 years. After the storm, there will come a new anointing and you’ll be sent forth.
For 2 years, everything in my life that could go wrong, went wrong. Just before the 2 years ended, I remember the phone rang. Now I’m am a tough man, mentally and physically yet as I reached for the phone, for the first time in my life, my hands shook uncontrollably not knowing what other bad news was in store. On the dot after 2 years, the sun and blue skies came out again. I survived.
Half way, through the shaking, the Lord asked me, “ So do you want out? Just say the word and everything will be normal.” I kept silent. I knew I cannot cut short the dealing. I have to finish all the bitter medicine to the last drop.
After the shaking, the Fear of God came into my life. I knew I was not in control but He was in control of every aspect of my life. Now I have faith.
This lock down is only for maximum 2 months. It’s a beautiful holiday of rest and recreation. I went through hell on earth for 2 years. This situation is a picnic. I know that I am really close to God because I am prepared to deal with him as a son, who allows Him to discipline me. I realised that His dealing was not to destroy me but to build me up in His most Holy Faith.

My challenge to you is, are you prepared to deal with this loving heavenly Father, this Master Potter, on His terms and conditions. If you are, then you can sleep like Jesus soundly through all storms in life, whilst everyone is panicking around you. Let the fun start and pray this prayer.

Heavenly Father,
I rest in Your love. I will be still know You are God. You are the Rock of ages. I will shelter under Your enormous wings. Your word declares that if I seek You with all my heart, I will find You. That if I draw near to You, You will draw near to me. I want to know You intimately. I’m prepared to deal with You for all it takes. I surrender myself to You.
In Jesus name.


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