Christianity is not a religion but the greatest love relationship between God and man. In this relationship only two things matter.
1. You need to know who God is in His totality.
2. You need to know who you are in relationship to Him.
Do you notice how intimate the relationship the patriots of old had with God?
You cannot know someone, unless you talk to them face to face. The patriots of old, talked to God face to face. Jesus talked to God face to face. In other words there is that potential of knowing God in a very deep relationship that the majority of christians have missed out on. To the majority of Christians, clergy included, God is some mystical being floating around somewhere in the twilight zone.

God’s intention is simple. He wants the church to know who He is and for them to come into the fruition of knowing who they are in Christ Jesus. It has to be a heart and not a head knowledge.

Halfway through the intense shaking of God in my life for two years, my cell leader, Sam prayed for me one day. As she prayed for me, suddenly she laughed out loud. I asked her why she laughed. She said that as she was praying, God showed her a prophetic vision of me. She saw me hanging on a string held in the hands of God. When I looked up I was worried that the string may break. When I looked down at the dangers below, I curled up my legs. She said I looked so funny, she couldn’t help but laugh. I replied it’s alright for you to laugh, but I am the one hanging on the string.

I was having tea with my FGB brother at a shopping complex one day. “Henry, are you sure you are the architect of this magnificent complex?”, he asked me. I replied in the affirmative.
“How come you never talked about it or boast about it?” he asked.
My reply was simple. “What is there to boast when you know that God is holding your life on a thread.”

Fast forward twenty years later, my former cell leader, Sam, called me out of the blues. Henry, she said, the other day whilst praying for you, God showed me a vision of you. In the vision, I saw that you were hanging from a string held in the hands of God. As you swung back and forth, you were laughing with glee and enjoying yourself. As she had forgotten the previous vision that she saw twenty years ago, I had to remind her about it. You see, brothers, during the intense shaking of my life, I was worried that the flimsy string would break but now I know God would never allow the string to break under any circumstances, crisis or storm in your life. In fact, you should be carefree and laughing as you swing on that string, just like me.
My question to you is how well do you know God? Is it a head knowledge?
Do you interact with God all the time?

Heavenly Father,
I repent that I have not honoured You by seeking You with all my heart and soul. I repent that I have not come into the fruition of the full intimate relationship that You have planned for me. I repent that I have not longed after You like a deer panting after water. I repent that I have not seek first Your kingdom and Your righteousness. I repent that I have placed my career, pastor, church and everything else first and have neglected to love You with all my heart and all my soul. Please forgive me. Please don’t give up on me. Help me. Draw me close to You. I want to know you intimately. I want to surrender to You, every area of my life. Turn my weaknesses into strength. Mold me into the fullness of the priest that You want me become. I submit to you.
In Jesus mighty name.


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