Sunset Photography Tips - Digital Photo Magazine

In my relationship with God. He had to reveaI the full spectrum of His character to me. I have never really understood the word ‘Mercy’ until I dealt with Him. This is one aspect of His character, that most christians have no understanding of, yet God had to reveal to me the depth of a merciful God.
Why do I need mercy, you asked yourself. I have not done anything so wrong to incur His wrath. Anyway the blood of Jesus has washed away all my sins and transgressions and also God loves me so much.

God shook me twice. The second time He broke me and brought me to my knees. I would receive demand letters from lawyers stating that I have been grossly negligent and that I have to compensate my clients with millions of dollars. For two long years, every day brought bad news.
Totally broken, I just knelt before Him everyday, muttering only one prayer,over and over again, “Lord have mercy on me.”  One day He directed me to His word that says, “Blessed is the man who hopes in His mercy.” Mercy really means that you have been found guilty but the judge let you off with a slap on your wrist.
We were on a short mission trip to Sarawak. In the first long house in Miri, as Sister Sam was worshiping, the glory of God went through her and she could hear the voice of God, night and day. At the next long house, she prophesied very accurately into the lives of all the ladies. She gave a word of prophecy to all the members on the team except me. At the end of the trip,she turned to me and said, when we were coming out of the longhouse by river, as I was lying down on the boat, God showed me your cheeky face. He told me to tell you to read Psalm 123.”
Now, both of us do not know what the Psalm was about. Here it is :

Unto You I lift up my eyes, O You who dwell in the heavens.
Behold, as the eyes of servants look to the hand of their masters,
As the eyes of a maid to the hand of her mistress,
So our eyes look to the LORD our God,
Until He has mercy on us.
Have mercy on us, O LORD,
have mercy on us!

God was telling me He heard my prayers, my cries for mercy. He had to teach me through a very painful lesson, about His mercies, which are new every day. Up to now, I still pray the same prayer.
By the way, He got me out of all the problems I was in. The storms in life is to teach us valuable lessons, to draw us really close to Him and not to destroy us.

Heavenly Father,
We give thanks to You, for Your mercy endures forever. We rejoice for Your word declares that You are long suffering and abundant in mercy, forgiving our iniquity and transgressions. We have no plea, having lived careless lives and have not seek You with all our hearts and minds. We rest in Your love, grace and mercy. Thank You for the blood of Jesus that have washed us white as snow. Thank You for making us whole.
In Jesus name.


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