Leg Workout | Leg Day Workout | Gym Junkies

A bruised reed He will not break,
And a smoking flax He will not quench
( Isaiah 42:3 )

I had wanted so much out of God. I know He has so much to offer me. No matter what level we have attained in spirituality, there is yet another and another deeper level we can attain. God has no limit. However, I found out, when God deals with us, He is more interested in dealing with our heart more than anything else because our heart determines our attitude and our attitude determines the way we look at things, which in turn determines our actions.
Man looks at the outside but God looks at the inside, that's your heart and out of the fullness of our heart, our mouth speaks. God works from inside, outwards. God is more impressed with character and attitude than with deeds. There is a saying that you cannot change the spot of a leopard but God can not only replace the spots with stripes but He can turn the leopard into a lion with a snap of His fingers. One of the greatest miracle of God is His transforming power. After all the rotan (Cane) strokes I have received, I can hardly recognise myself anymore. God is a task master. If you mean business with Him, you are constantly being wilted layer by layer until Christ is revealed in you. This transformation only ends with your dying breath.

To shape and transform us God uses mistakes we made, crisis, untoward incidents, broken relationships, and even painful losses. God allows us to make mistakes because it’s through this that we learn.  Every storm has a valuable lesson to teach us. If we are undiscerning, the lesson is lost.
One extremely anointed cell leader that I knew told me that burglars broke into his house. The only thing taken were his fishing rods and video player. I asked him what was God trying to tell him from this untoward incident. He reply was instant. “I think God doesn’t want me to watch so much videos and do so much fishing.”
He didn’t heed the warning. I have seen him come out of the video rental shop with a huge pile of the latest videos in his arms. The two videos he loan me was so demonic, I was horrified. As he continued to feast his spirit man onto this trash, he slowly became demonic in his behavior. The demons came into him through his eye gate. Today, he is totally spiritually wasted and just spend time surfing pornographic sites.
Yet he was the most anointed man I have even known in my life up to today, operating in the perfect word of knowledge. What was God teaching me? God was showing me that His power and anointing will consume us if we do not have the character to handle it.
The storms God placed into my life, broke me and took away my pride, my confidence in myself and exposed glaring weaknesses in me. My only prayer during the storms and even up to now is, “Lord have mercy on me.”
My dear brothers, don’t despise the chastisement of God in your life. It is flesh unto your bones.

Heavenly Father,
The storms were tough but the end results was priceless. You are the Master of the storm. It taught me to cling tightly to You. Without You I would have perished. You are truly the Alpha and the Omega. Today I stand before You Lord, totally grateful for Your transforming power, for Your exceeding love in dealing with me to make me whole. Even the way I look at things are different. My weaknesses have become my strengths. Day by day I am molded in Your love, from one degree of glory, to another degree of glory to be like my saviour, Jesus Christ. I look forward to even greater changes in my life. Thank you Father from the bottom of my heart,
In Jesus wonderful name. 


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