Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.
Jerimiah 29 : 12,13

There was a deep rumbling within me that Christianity was something more than just going to church every Sunday. Perchance, I stumbled upon a book written by an American evangelist, Kenneth Hagin. As I read his books, I was mesmerised by his accounts of his supernatural experiences with God. He wrote about conversations he had with Jesus personally, of being brought to heaven and hell. When I finished reading the book, I was excited but confused. How is it that his christian walk was so different from mine? Either he is lying through his teeth or there was something wrong with my brand of Christianity. I don’t see God, I don’t hear God and I don’t feel God. There was absolutely no personal relationship with Him in my life. It is so frustrating.
I remember I was so desperate and frustrated that I prayed and challenged God to reveal Himself to me. The prayer was a bit disrespectful but it was a genuine cry from my heart.
“Lord, I speak to You, but You don’t speak to me. I don’t see You or hear You. It’s like You don’t exist. You might as well be a million miles away, on Planet Mars. I would rather speak to the table and chairs. At least I can see them.”

I didn’t expect God to even hear me, least of all to answer me.
Shortly, I had a dream. It was very vivid and colourful. When I woke up I could remember all the details but the dream was symbolic and didn’t make any sense. I told my cell leader about my dream, not even believing it had anything to do with God.
My cell leader seem to have a hot line to God. Its frustrating that some people had such easy access to God. The next day, he called me and he sounded excited.
“Your dream. I have got good news and bad news.”
Who cares, as long as God wants to speak to me.
He gave me the good news, the interpretation of the dream. What about  the bad news?
“Don’t you ever come to me again, for any other interpretation of future dreams, or I will get in trouble with God because He has already given you the gift to interpret dreams,” he said.
Wow, cool, my first spiritual gift.
Other prophetic dreams followed. At least, now He speaks to me through dreams. Finally, I have connected with Him.
I will share on giftings and anointing in another episode.

Heavenly Father,
I am thrilled that a great and awesome God like You would want to have an intimate relationship with me. Thank You for answering the cries of my heart to know You. Thank You for lifting us out of the natural realm into Your supernatural realm. Always looking forward to flying higher and higher each day of our life. Thank you exceedingly,
In Jesus wonderful name.


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