Prison Wallpapers - Wallpaper Cave

If you held a pastor’s conference for the underground church in China, the lunch time conversation between the local pastors would go something like this :
I just spent my 6th stint in jail.
Well I’ve been in for 8 times already.
I’ve been in for 3 times only but the last time was for 12 years.
Ha ha. What a strange conversation.
Despite severe persecution when caught, and the good possibility of being incarcerated again, these pastors live life unfazed and normally.

Here is a testimony from my friend, Pastor Daniel Lew about his time in our local prison :
This lock down period really reminds me of the time when I was confined in my cell room. No movement was allowed, except within the 8 x 10 room. There were 3 of us. Regarding my two fellow cell mates, one of them use to possess a hand gun and the other from Malacca, Bro. James Chua used to play an electric acoustic guitar as a pub singer. He played it well and sang all the contemporary songs, all by head. James was my musical sifu and from him I learned to play the guitar, starting with all the simple chords.
Every Saturday night, when the whole block of prisoners are locked in, everything would be absolutely still and quiet with a deserted and empty long corridor. James would start strumming his guitar and will belt out his Kenny Roger’s favorites. And then, with a little bit of coaxing, I would start to sing my own favorites and when we come to a crescendo, my voice and the guitar sound will permeate through the corridor to entertain every inmate on the same floor. My nickname was The Radio.
Those were the times my Good Lord was preparing me one day to serve Him not only in Social Ministry, as a worship leader, a Christian wedding singer and serving in the FGBMF ministry. I have fond memories of singing solo at the Marriott Hotel and Lot 10 during the Christmas Caroling period together with all the fellow FGBMF brothers. Those were good days when we were serving in unity and with great passion. God is always working ahead and preparing us for His purpose without us realising it.
God will use us when we make our lives available to Him!

Going through Covid or crisis experience is nothing to the pastors because just like Jesus, they have learn to sleep soundly through the storm. They know God is in absolute control over every storm.

Heavenly Father,
I thank you for every crisis in my life. I need not be anxious or fearful because You are the Master over every storm in my life. Each storm that passes have built up so much faith in me. I continue to be still and know that you are God, the great I Am. Not only do I not fear but during this crisis, use me mightily as an instrument to help others weather the storm that the glory may be given to You.
In Jesus glorious name.  


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