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God taught me how to walk on water.
I shared before, how God shook me for two long years. The shaking was so intense that I would wake up at night in cold sweat worrying about my predicament. I would order a bowl of noodle, eat one strand and forget about the rest. Yes, I was losing sleep and weight.

I realised that if I were to continue in this manner, I would collapse very soon. Then I told myself, Hey! You are a christian! How come you are in this state and have no faith? Brothers, you cannot conjure faith out of nothing because faith can only come from hearing the word of God. So I opened the Bible and began to read the stories of Joseph. How he was sold into slavery but God was with him and he became the prime minister of Egypt. How Daniel was thrown into the lion’s den but God shut the mouths of the lions. As I read I began to realise that my God was so loving and powerful and that my predicament was nothing compared to all these people of God. Suddenly, when I have this realisation about a great and personal God who cares for me, I could sleep soundly and my appetite came back.
Every time I dwell on my circumstances, I would die inwardly but when I focus on how great my God was I got back the peace.

When Peter saw Jesus walking on water, towards their boat, he jumped out of the boat and walked on the water towards Jesus. Unfortunately, he took his gaze off Jesus and looked down at the water and felt the waves lapping at his ankles. His thoughts were, What the heck am I doing out of the boat. The water is dark green. It must be extremely deep.

Yes my dear brothers, when we take our eyes of our Beloved and look at the circumstances around us, our soul will sink. Today, I know some of you are very worried about your situation. Go and read and meditate on the mighty exploits of our great and personal God, who loves you so very very much and learn to walk on water.
Heavenly Father,
If You can feed all these sparrows every day and array all these beautiful flowers, surely I am more precious in Your eyes than these. I will obey Your words and will neither worry nor be anxious. Instead, I hereby place my trust in you and commit my situation to You, with thanksgiving so that Your peace that passes all understanding will keep my heart and mind in Christ Jesus. I will continue to look into Your face every moment of my life and the things of the world will fade away. Not only will I walk on water but I will soar like an eagle high above the storms of life and will even be able to carry my other brothers on the enormous wings You have given me. In You and only You will I trust for Your word declares that You will never depart from me and even though I walk through the shadow of the valley of death, You are with me. Thank You so much for Your unconditional and sacrificial love for me,
In Jesus precious name.


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