Grapes: Planting, Growing, and Harvesting Grape Vines | The Old ...

Apart from Me, you can do nothing.
John 15: 5

Above is my favourite verse. This chapter of John, begins with the story of God being the main vine of the grape plant and we, being the branches. If we tap into the main branch, we will bear a lot of fruits in our lives.
Christians unwittingly like to boast. Without realising, they boast about the number of salvations that they have achieved, about the social work and good deeds they have done and even about their charity, often under the pretense of giving glory to God. Many ministers boast to obtain adulation from their flock. Some publish ferociously the healing that takes in their ministry as well as the testimony of the people healed. Don’t get me wrong. I have nothing against the sharing of testimonies but we have to guard our hearts. Did not the word of God say that the right hand should not even let the left hand know? I often wondered if the glory was directed to us or to God? Be careful, God is a jealous God. There is a lot of pride and self deception in us. Pride blinds us to our faults and make us unteachable. The single most powerful general in Satan’s army is Pride. It works all the time against God’s leaders, to bring them down. It never fails.

In his book, ‘The Final quest,’ Rick Joyner, wrote this :
I then looked out over the carnage below and the slowly retreating demonic army. Behind me, more of the glorious warriors were constantly taking their places on the mountain. I knew that we were now strong enough to attack and destroy what was left of this enemy horde.
“Not yet,” said Wisdom. “Look over there.”
I looked in the direction he was pointing, but had to shield my eyes from the glory emanating from my own armor to see anything. Then I caught a glimpse of some movement in a small valley. I could not make out what I was seeing because the glory shining from my armor made it
difficult to see into the darkness. I asked Wisdom if there was something that I could cover my armor with so I could see. He then gave me a very plain mantle to put on.
“What is this?” I inquired, a little insulted by its drabness.
“Humility,” said Wisdom. “You will not be able to see very well without it.”
Reluctantly I put it on, and immediately I saw many things that I could not see before. I looked toward the valley and the movement I had seen. To my astonishment, there was an entire division of the enemy horde that was waiting to ambush anyone who ventured from the mountain.

Ha ha, I also like to boast. Just like the apostle Paul, I boast about the thorns that God has placed in my flesh, about the shipwrecks in my life, the imprisonment and stoning I received. Twice, God shook me vigorously in my life. The second time, it broke me. God had to bring me down to my knees and strip me of every pretense so that with the cloak of Humility, I can discern the attacks of the enemy and to realise that actually, apart from Him, I am nothing.

Heavenly Father,
In the same token, when Your servant Isaiah, saw You sitting on a throne with Your train, high and lifted up, he fell on his face and exclaimed, “Woe is me, for I am a man of unclean lips,” we Your sons, fall on our face and proclaim, “ Woe is unto us, for apart from You, we can do nothing.”
Forgive us for the many times we have stolen Your glory. All glory belongs to You and You only. We were made for Your pleasure. Enlarge our hearts, to know that You alone are sovereign over everything in our lives. Who is man, that You are mindful of him? With deep humility, we want to thank You, for saving us from our wretched state and restoring us to be joint heirs together with Your beloved son, Jesus Christ so that we can spend eternity with You. With a grateful heart, we thank You for Your loving kindness and tender mercies,
In Jesus mighty name.


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